How to Write a Thoughtful Thank You Note

Writing thoughtful thank you notes and cards, especially for something like a wedding, shower, and other special events like birthdays or holidays, can feel daunting; it’s often difficult to find the right words for a single card, let alone dozens.

A simple thank you note writing formula

A simple thank you note writing formula can help, turning the whole process into something effortless, no matter who the card is for. The simple thank you note writing formula includes five sections, and I’ve included examples of thank you messages below of how each section of the formula can be written:

  1. The date
  2. The “thank you” for the gift or act of kindness
  3. What you love about or what you appreciate about the gift or act of kindness
  4. How you’ll use the gift, or how the gift or act of kindness helped you
  5. The closing

Add the date to the thank you note

I recommend dating all of your cards, either at the very top or on the back, so if the recipient saves your thank you card as a keepsake, they can see when it was given to them years from the day it arrived.

Add the salutation to the thank you note

Then, start with a salutation. Depending on who the card is for, this can include terms of endearment, or just simply a name:

  • Dear Aunt Elizabeth,
  • My Sweet Love,
  • Jeffrey,
  • Little Anna,
  • Dear Mom,

Add the thank you part to the thank you note

Next, add your thank you. This can be super short and to the point, or more elaborate with some descriptors:

  • Thank you for the care package with all of the hand-made cookies!
  • Thank you for the beautiful charm bracelet.
  • Thank you for helping us move into our new apartment.
  • Thank you for the thoughtful drawing of our family.
  • Thank you for the Amazon gift card.

Add elaboration to the thank you note

These next two parts are where I think a lot of us freeze up because we’re not sure what to say beyond our simple “thank you.” Focus on what you love or appreciate about the gift or act of kindness, followed by how you’ll use it or how it helped you. These two sentiments can also be interchanged as needed.

  • Your chocolate chip cookies are my absolute favorite, and I can’t wait to dig in. I’m saving some in the freezer, too, so I can enjoy them all month long.
  • I’ve been wanting one of these since I was a little girl, and this is so special to me. I’m excited to add charms from all of our honeymoon adventures to come.
  • We couldn’t have done this without you (and your muscles); I think we’d still be trying to pivot that couch up the stairs if you hadn’t come to our rescue!
  • I love the colors you used, and this is so special to me because you took the time to make it. I’ve placed it front and center on the refrigerator where I can see it every day.
  • This was so thoughtful, and I know exactly what I’m going to buy with it–a new jacket. I’ve been saving up to buy it, and I now have more than enough with the gift card. I’ll send you a picture when it arrives.

Add the closing to the thank you note

Next, add your closing:

  • See you at Thanksgiving! Love, (your name)
  • I love you, (your name)
  • -(your name)
  • Love, (your name)
  • Love you, Mom. -(your name)

Put it all together for a thoughtful, heartfelt thank you note

When you put all of the parts together, you’ll have a thoughtful thank you card every time:


Dear Aunt Elizabeth,

Thank you for the care package with all of the hand-made cookies! Your chocolate chip cookies are my absolute favorite, and I can’t wait to dig in. I’m saving some in the freezer, too, so I can enjoy them all month long.

See you at Thanksgiving! Love,


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